Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Dear readers,
Here's a question for you: Why risk to lose even one of my surreal posts when you can easily keep track of what I write, and when?
I mean, WHY?
I suggest that you click on that little "Post" thing in the upper right corner NOW. You will not regret it.


Wastedpapiers said...

I clicked on it and it just lead me round in circles!

Demiurgo said...

I tried it myself, because I'm not very good at these things, and managed to add the blog to Google Reader very easily.

theo said...

Dear Gianni,
I just received your package today - Kairan 14 & 15. My goodness, what a great tribute to xeroxgraphy. I have been aware of the artistic efforts since the Seventies and even took advantage of the copier as a communication device (fanzines) in the early Eighties. Coming from the commercial printing industry I never really looked at the copier as a printing medium until the Docutechs came along. Nowadays the children of those devices are driving the demand print industry. My Seasonal Greetings are printed on a Xerox 8000. I, personally, have a Apple 12/600 PS, an Apple 8500 LW, an HP 8550N and a Fuji FirstProof sitting in my studio workspace. The interesting thing about that collection is the fact that but for consumables, it represents less than $1000 in capital costs. Technology is super cheap when business considers it past its ROI.

I don’t have a copier although I have access to an HP 9000 MFP and one of my partners, Paul, is purchasing two HP 9550 MFPs and we will rebuild the two machines into a working unit. We will have to buy the fuser as that is missing from both units but the cost thus far is $700. Reading your comments about the quality of today’s digital copiers restricting the ability to “play” with copying made immediately think of intermediaries - thin paper, frosted plastic, crumpled saran wrap, etc. as ways to defeat the resolution of the devices. As for motion, probably not - transit to cheap video and then onto still frames and then overlay. Not as immediate but still an honourable and creative printing process. The old analogue devices hopefully will be kept as long as consumables allow - drums and whatnot. Perhaps it will drive a niche manufacturing market for these items if there are enough artists creating the demand.

I, personally, have always viewed the copier as a communication tool - never as a printing device. These issues have expanded my understanding and acceptance of copiers as a printing medium. there are some great examples in these two issues.

Hey - I’m not sure if this is the place to comment on Kairan but I am so stoked with those two issues. I will send you something via snail mail eventually. :)

troylloyd said...

hey Gianni!!!!!

= )

i second all the wonderful emotive awe that theo was talking about, when i got Kairan #14 it tripp'd my trigger like a switchblade tommygun on all tomorrow's parties!!!

i also agree about the restrictions w/ the newer digital machines, when i've used the new fancy digital Canon machines at the self-serve i've been disappointed to get the jaggies, altho the superbig enlargement capacity is on the plus side, i still prefer the analog machines, for me, xerography is all about scales of grey, & of course the black, but the analog machines seem to get those warm greys which the digital machines cannot.

at the moment i have only a Canon PC425, but you'd be surprised at the quality it produces, altho very restrictive w/o enlarge/ other copiermachine, a Sharp Z-70 was also great & had enlarge/reduce features, but it is on the fritz...sometimes, the official factory repair manuals are very expensive, but then again, sometimes they are online for free...i am no ,longer intimidated by copier repair & intend on fixing the Sharp, because it put out some absolutely wonderful of my favorite aspects of xerography, is when the toner gets low & produces odd scattershot results, these pieces end up being totally unique, but the end-of-toner- cycle will usually only make 5 or 6 copies (each one different of course) time, a lady donated a ful office business size Minolta copier to me, jeez, it was a basket case, i later hook'd up w/ a copier repair online forum that has alot of copier techs answering technical questions & i discovered the Minolta machines are particularly hairy in the weird way they're one time, i desired the classic bona-fide Xerox machine, i forget the model #, but at one time they were ubiquitous, but now i'll settle for a nice $300 refurb analog sux...

...yes, money sux shit to shinola whenya ain't got none, so many many many thank you & thank you's for sending the zine thru the post, it was awesome to getta zine thru the mail...a wonderful feeling opening up the envelope for the treasue inside, & the Japanese postage stamps are just too cool!!!!!

i regret that my poverty has witheld me from being an active participant in mailart as i wish i could... i like the postcards, of course, but essentially, i'm more of a big overwhelming package kind of person...i will try to get a pkg to you as soon as i can, because i really am thankful to you, as well as Reed Altemus, for gracing my mailbox with such an incredible's very exciting to get things like that in the mail & the whole tactile aspect of paper publishing will always remain in the upper echelons due to that fact...even more so now that email & digital communication has become the norm...

...happy summertimes & cheers of cheer to yoo Gianni!!!!!!!

= )